
Showing posts from August, 2017
5 Simple Steps How To Stay Focused And Get Your Desired Results “The KEY represents your curiosity.  Open the chest, and you will find what you need.  A Treasure Chest Filled with Solutions .” This week we will discover the treasure of Staying FOCUSED .  Analyze your thoughts and if you catch yourself focusing on the wrong things, make the shift.  I am here to share with you what works for me and how to apply it in your everyday life with ease and simplicity.  What is your plan? The process looks like this, An idea, A plan, and the Execution.  Fill the gap between the idea and the execution by staying focused.   Procrastination is the number one enemy for our friend focus.  I use to procrastinate to the point, that I would procrastinate, procrastination.  The I will do it later, became constant.  That didn’t  serve me at all.  I realized the damage that I was creating, and I eventually stopped.  There is a...
5 Tips On How To Calm Your Mind And Manifest Greatness The Treasure Map symbolizes our life.   The Route symbolizes our experiences and our journey.   The Treasure Chest symbolizes our soul.   Fill your S oul with life-changing treasures, experience Wellbeing .  As I reach into this week's Wellbeing Treasure Chest, I find the simple teachings of Abraham Hicks.  An entity being channeled by Esther Hicks.  It might sound odd or even weird to some of you, but I attest to the teachings and how valuable they are to live in today’s world.  By keeping it simple, you will transform your lives.  One of the many teachings that Abraham has to offer is the ability to Calm Your Mind.  By Calming your mind, you manifest greatness.   My spiritual quest started back when I was a teenager, I read books, visited churches and asked a lot of questions.  I was quiet enough to let myself experience what I had to experience. It was...
How To Unlock Your Personal Development Journey Let’s open up the Treasure Chest and see what’s inside. This week we will explore Personal Development.  Everyone needs a boost now and then, what better way than with self-improvement.  What do you do on a daily basis to improve?  Let’s take a look at the meaning of personal development. Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals to realize and maximize their potential. Source - Google Definition. Besides studying about mindset, spirituality and wellbeing one of my favorite subjects is personal development.  I have been practicing and learning about it since my teen years.  It’s helped me with my career and communication as a whole.   It can get overwhelming.  Don’t try to do everything at once, just allow yourself to pick and choose what works best.  Work at your own pace and di...
How To Live Your Life With Intention And Feel Powerful I dug up my life’s treasure chest to find precious jewels that speak to my soul.  My intention is to help you find your treasure chest and fill it up with treasures that help your wellbeing.  Today I am sharing with you another one of my jewels and show you how to use it in your life to feel secure and happy.  This weeks treasure is the power of intention.   Since starting this blog, I have uncovered what has brought happiness to my life.  My spiritual quest began in my teen years; I have lived a world of possibilities that emerged from deep inside.  I stumbled upon the Late Dr. Wayne Dyer whose teaching is valuable and inspiring, have you heard of him? I read his book, The Power Of Intention back in 2005, but I recently reread it for my research to write this blog.  I encourage you to look him up and see for yourself, and if you know who he is, it's time for a refresher.  Here is ...
All About Reiki And It's Benefits, 5 Ways It Helps You Improve By now you have seen and heard about my Wellbeing Treasure Chest.  My intention is to fill your treasure chest with treasures that enhance your wellbeing. One of them is Reiki.  I heard about Reiki in 2007.  Today I will share with you some fun facts about Reiki and how it can help you.  Let’s Fill up your Treasure Chest with pure love and healing energy.  If something makes you smile, it goes in, and soon you will fill it up with what matters most, and makes you happy.   Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. After being introduced to Reiki, I did research and found it to be something that I wanted to pursue further.  That’s when I decided to get my Reiki I and II in 2...