How To Live Your Life With Intention And Feel Powerful
I dug up my life’s treasure chest to find precious jewels that speak to my soul. My intention is to help you find your treasure chest and fill it up with treasures that help your wellbeing. Today I am sharing with you another one of my jewels and show you how to use it in your life to feel secure and happy. This weeks treasure is the power of intention.
Since starting this blog, I have uncovered what has brought happiness to my life. My spiritual quest began in my teen years; I have lived a world of possibilities that emerged from deep inside. I stumbled upon the Late Dr. Wayne Dyer whose teaching is valuable and inspiring, have you heard of him? I read his book, The Power Of Intention back in 2005, but I recently reread it for my research to write this blog. I encourage you to look him up and see for yourself, and if you know who he is, it's time for a refresher. Here is a link for you to browse his teachings, Dr. Wayne Dyer. I am in a period of my life that all I want to do is share everything that has led me to greatness and happiness. I strive to feel good, and sharing makes me feel good. I broke down his teachings to bring clarity and purpose. Decide today to live your life with intention.
The title alone brings clarity, but knowing how to apply it to your daily life takes practice. There are several steps you can take today to help you move in the right direction. As with all of my previous posts, you have seen a constant truth, which it all stems from your mindset. Below you will find out how to live an intentional life.
Remove Obstacles - before you can remove your obstacles, you have to know what they are. According to source energy, there are three main obstacles that hinder your wellbeing. The first one is your ego, stop doing things because of what others may or may not bring to you. Don’t let others offend you with their actions or words. The ego will lead you astray. The second obstacle is Energy, everything is energy, and if you are connecting with negativity, you will feel resistance. Follow your heart and only surround yourself with positive energy. The third obstacle is your self-talk. What words are you using when you speak to yourself? Make sure to say beautiful things to yourself.
Practice Awareness - What are you thinking right now? The question of all questions is the one that helps you realize the power of being aware. For every thought there is a feeling attached to it, make sure to correct the thoughts that bring sadness, hate, jealousy or any other emotions that are poison to your soul. It’s time to become aware, ask yourself often,”What am I thinking right now?”.
“It Is” - New Vocabulary - When you add to your vocabulary the powerful two little words, “it is” you will see and feel a shift deep inside your core. Imagine that you want something new in your life, whatever it might be. Consider it done. For example, “It is my intention to have a pleasant life,” It is my intention to respect myself,” “It is my intention to live my life on purpose,” you get the picture make it your intention to call it how you want your life to turn out. Give it a try.
Change Your Perspective - Besides considering your intention to be what you want, don’t let your ego interfere and get in the way. Don’t let it be just the act of will, but a surprising realization that a deep force lives inside of us. Allow yourself to feel that inner guide directing you towards what makes you feel good.
Visualize - Develop your imagination and practice seeing it. Imagine yourself surrounded with what you want. It doesn’t matter what it is, remember this is your life, your dream, your story.
Expect It - After visualizing your outcome, building your vocabulary with what “it is” expect that it has already happened. When you take the time to acknowledge that it is a done deal, you will soon experience greatness.
Practice Kindness - Being kind to yourself and others gives you power. We are all energy, and negative energy does not dwell with positive energy. Kindness is life giving and hurtful, mean energy destroys the spirit, it’s impossible to allow greatness. Say loving things to yourself and practice saying friendly things to others. Stay in the presence of kindness at all times.
In summary, I chose Dr. Wayne Dyer from many other teachers because his writing and energy resonate with me. Find your source of wellbeing by following your heart. Clean your core to find peace in your soul. Much love to you.
Coach Barb
Certified Life Coach
What steps are you willing to take to live your life with intention?
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