"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best." St. Jerome

Find Out What Kept My Heart Beating This Past Week

As I evolve and reinvent myself, I will continue to grow.  The reason why I know I’m developing is because I am resilient, and personal development runs through my veins.  There’s a couple of things that surfaced this week that showed me my real passion, sharing, teaching, and coaching. I got excited about the opportunity to share and teach everything I’ve learned along the way.  

If you don’t know, I’m currently working with a fantastic organization Orangetheory Fitness in Franklin Tennessee, but I have realized that what brings me my ultimate happiness is who I work for.  More on that another day. I have to admit I love what I’m doing, and what I’m doing is bringing brand awareness to the community, in other words, meeting great people daily. I’m bringing into the mix everything that I have learned in my Coaching journey, time management, love, curiosity, deep conversations and maximizing my personal development.  This journey is teaching me how important it is to have Coaching tools to create my best self, and how to deal with change effectively. Change doesn't scare me because I have learned that in this life change has to happen, and guess what? If I want things to be different, I must do things differently.

Below I will share with you this week's highlights on what I learned personally, professionally and spiritually.

I learned this week that I must give what I want to receive.  If I wish to receive love, I must give love. If I want attention from someone, I must give attention.  Hmmm, life is beginning to seem as if it’s effortless. Is it?

My young friend approached me this week asking if she can shadow me while I work, you see she needs it for a school project.  That just opened my heart and I welcomed the opportunity, and as I analyze the whole situation, I immediately started brainstorming on what I was going to show her, teach her and share with her.  My heart hasn’t stopped beating since. The shadowing is happening next week. I will let you know how it transpires. This excites me, and even if the day doesn’t happen, I welcome her to shadow me any day.  I wonder how much of the importance of personal development is taught in schools today? This is something I want to explore and develop more. I will keep you posted on my progress.

If you have read some of my previous blogs, you know that I meditate daily.  What I have done this week is to sit quietly and imagine my true self, I am visualizing myself into the person I am becoming.  As time goes by, you will see me evolve and transform. I am loving it.

In summary, it’s all about growth and understanding how to navigate in this world to make it a better place, and guess what? It starts with you.  Take care of yourself, that’s it. I hope you learned something today. If you want to experience a deep transformational conversation with me, contact me.  Peace be with you.

What would be possible in your life if you actually put into practice everything you learn?

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