Redirected and Empowered By The Colors of The Rainbow

Red - Starting the week was a fiery red. A tornado swept through very close to where I live, it destroyed properties, took lives, and there was no Rhyme or Reason mother nature just took this opportunity to cleanse. I count my blessings, and I pray for those that were affected. Fiery red is how I describe the destruction left behind.  

Orange- The color orange reminds me of how important it is to stay active, to live a life full of energy, and to find that vitality and vibrance to show the world an enjoyable experience. The color orange is beautiful; it is full of life. 

Yellow- After every rain, the Sun always brightens our days. The color yellow is bright, it guides our ways, and it reminds me of the pure sunlight that warms our days and our souls. 

Green- Healing, the color green reminds me of our Archangel Raphael, the color of crisp green grass, it’s purity, and when directed with loving energy, it heals.  

Blue- This week, I made my friend smile when she felt Blue inside.  I spent time with her, finding things to laugh about, we had a couple of drinks, and the best gift I think I can give her is to continue sending her distant healing towards her Heart, Body & Soul and cleanse how blue she feels inside. 

Indigo- Pure cleansing with Indigo, Ice Blue & White. A form of cleansing our past lives, our memories with forgiveness and love. Indigo is a beautiful color that can help us transform into something beautiful from the inside out.

Violet- When I think of the color violet, a beautiful flower comes to mind. Its freshness brightens the air; it reminds me to slow down and to admire all the beauty that surrounds me.  

The rainbow has more than one meaning; if you pay close attention, each color can guide you into your reality. What do the colors mean to you?

Coach Barb

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