How To Manage Your Jealousy With Confidence "Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive." Havelock Ellis Such a sore subject, jealousy. Even though this is a natural instinctive emotion, it isn’t fun to feel jealous. Today’s Treasure is Taking Control Of Your Jealousy. The moment you feel insecure, shameful or possessive you run the risk of feeling tormented in such a way that the green monster will take over. It’s time to stop and take the time to learn how to manage your jealousy. When I decided to write this blog post, I sat and thought about my jealous tendencies, and I realized that I outgrew the green monster by consistently developing my personal development. I didn’t even notice that I don’t feel jealousy as often as I use too. Let me tell you, I feel free, and the freedom that I have internally is all worth it. That’s why I decided to share with you what steps I took to overcome that nasty negativity that lives insi...