How To Do What You Love With Confidence
You have something deep inside of you that wants to come out and flourish. You are either an inventor, a writer, a musician, an artist, a dancer, you are talented, yet nobody knows. It’s time for you to blossom into something beautiful. Today's treasure is about Doing what you’ve always wanted to do.It took me a long time to admit to myself that I always wanted to be a writer, a speaker, and an influencer. The beauty of this era is the ability to do what you love and blossom. Why did it take me a long time? Because of many factors, lack of clarity, procrastination, and fear of failure. Just the thought of people reading my writing gave me anxiety. I soon realized that I had to overcome all of those obstacles to clear my path and jump into a world of significant opportunity.
Below I share with you how I overcame procrastination and tackled fear right down to the ground.
My recommendation is to start taking small steps daily towards your desired goal and do a little each day to condition your mind for good.
1. Do Something Different
Have you heard of Einstein's quote, “ The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.” Let’s take the example of being a singer; I can’t sing but, if you have a voice and you aspire to be a singer, that’s what you have to be doing daily to improve and get noticed. Now with the internet, it’s easier to get seen, if you are shy make yourself do it. It’s ok, just do something daily towards your desired goal. If you are spending your free time watching Netflix or TV, that is not helping. Start to build habits towards what you want to accomplish.2. Stop Waiting For The Right Time
It’s never going to be the right time, I started, and I have been consistent, and that alone makes me happy. I am still working on several projects behind the scene, but I do know that I can’t wait for it to be perfect, and neither can you. Do it, make mistakes I know I do, and I learn from my mistakes, heck the fun is in the process and the journey.3. Take Risks
Know that missed opportunities hurt more than temporary failure. Just go for it, and start with what you have it will get better. Are you currently working but your dream requires that you work on your own? Well, then keep on working and in your spare time, (make the time) work on your projects, it keeps you positive and gives you more reasons to do better each day. Someday you will be working and doing what you love.In summary, what do you want? Why do you want it? Answer those questions with passion in your heart and follow your bliss. You can condition your mind for greatness, all it takes is want and determination. Contact me today for a Mindset Transformational Chat; I am looking forward to doing great things with you. Have a fantastic week.
With Love,
Coach Barb
Certified Life Coach
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