Stop Being Overwhelmed And Start Feeling Powerful And Free

Why do you feel overwhelmed? You probably please everyone around you. Maybe your environment is one big mess. This weeks treasure is about overcoming being overwhelmed. The first thing that you need to consider is the way you are prioritizing. When you schedule too many things at the same time, your frustration level is going to skyrocket. The good news is that there is a solution to your problem.

When I realized that my agenda was the culprit, I knew I had to do something. I use to be a people pleaser, and that got me into all different types of problems. Like, saying yes to people when I knew I really couldn’t commit. That was then, and this is now. When I took control and started analyzing what was important to me and doing the things that meant growth for me, that’s when I began to change.

Below I will share with you how I went from being overwhelmed to focused, confident and dynamic. You too can do this. It’s all up to you and your mindset.

1. Analyze Your Habits
Take the time and write out all of your patterns that are not serving you at this time. Are you watching too much television? Are you not taking your house chores seriously? Look at what is overwhelming you, and make an effort to change bad, destructive behaviors that are not allowing you to be free from frustration. Write that list today.

2. Do What Matters
Once you eliminate the bad habits, make a list of the things that need to get done. Schedule your time so that you do the things that get you closer to your goals. Do what is essential, stop wasting time on things that don’t help you improve. Get serious with you. Remember you matter.

3. Can’t Please Everyone
Face it; you can’t say yes to everyone or everything. The next time someone asks you for something, analyze it, then if you are willing to do it, you have the time to do it, and it doesn’t interfere with you, then you do it. If not, then the answer is no. It’s that simple. Start by setting boundaries. It’s all about you this year, make it count.

4. Understand The Why
Why are you doing it? If the answer is not getting you closer to your goal, well then you have to choose something else. It’s that simple. I know how hard it is when you are sitting and playing candy crush, yes it’s fun, but what are you getting out of it? But, seriously if you have goals this year, cut down on the games. Keep asking yourself, why am I doing this? Then continue or not, it’s up to you.

5. Delegate
You have a full schedule with errands, tasks, projects; you name it. Take a good look and start delegating. You don’t have to do it all, begin distributing tasks. The less you have on your plate, the better you are going to feel. It’s all about you, start exploring the freedom.

6. Stay Focused
Stay on track, the best way to do this is to know what works best for you. For example, I am a visual person, and I write my entire schedule on a whiteboard, and I look at it every morning and in the evening right before going to bed. I keep track of my tasks and what needs to get accomplished to get closer to my goal. You can do the same. Maybe you are more technically inclined then find an app that will help you. But, find a way to stay focused it does help.

7. Don’t Feel Guilty
I had to overcome this feeling guilty. Especially with my family, someone I always felt guilty if I didn’t meet their expectations. That’s when I realized that I shouldn’t feel guilty, it’s not my expectation it is theirs. I learned to look out for myself, and I care for others I just don’t let their opinions affect me. I no longer feel guilty when I do what is right for me. Do what is right for you, and don’t let others dictate how you feel.

Remember, you are a winner. Always take into account what makes you happy. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you, have the guts to take care of yourself. It’s the only way. Are you looking to transform your mindset in 2018? I am here to help, contact me today.

Until next week,
Coach Barb
Certified Life Coach

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