4 Simple Tips On How To Get And Stay Motivated
It’s exciting to come up with great ideas. The fun starts when you keep up your momentum, and your thoughts become things. For it to flourish into something great, you must keep your drive. Today’s treasure is all about staying motivated.
The way I learned to keep myself motivated came by studying different coaches like Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins and many more. I don’t just listen and watch their videos; I do what they recommend. I am continually picking myself up, and I continue to work towards the goals that I set out to accomplish. It takes work and dedication, and it's time to create something for yourself. The good news is, it’s not impossible. You just need to stay focused and believe in yourself.
Let’s review what can keep you from staying motivated. Depression, boring tasks, general goals, unattainable goals, lack of discipline. I can think of many more things that are the culprits for you to stop and not keep up the momentum. But, I am here to share with you how to break the mold and create something that will help you stay on track.
Below you will find four tips that have helped me stay motivated and accomplish my goals, hope they can help you too.
Set Specific Goals
Start with simple goals, make sure they are specific. Don’t just say you are going to start a business. Narrow it down, what type of business? Keep narrowing it down, until you come up with the first small task, then create a list of all of the next little steps towards your desired goal. After, review it and pick the primary mission to accomplish. I created a spreadsheet with all of the steps that I needed, and as I performed the task, I highlighted it. That worked for me, but you need to find what works for you. The important thing is to start small and make it manageable. Visualize your success.
Have a routine
Brush your teeth, make your bed, pick up the mess. Why is this important? A clean and organized environment is a clear mind. Once you set your routine, attempt to meditate in the morning, get those creative juices flowing early in the day, have your coffee or tea, but just like you brush your teeth in the morning, create a schedule that looks the same on a daily basis. Don’t forget to make physical activities part of your routine. Staying physically active helps if you are feeling depressed, feeling self-doubt, pity or fear. Those are monsters that are not allowed in your daily routine, make sure you are not feeding the beast. Stay clear and focused.
Control Your Environment
Make your workspace a happy place, make it fun. Control your environment by listening to your favorite music; wearing your favorite clothes, and keeping your space organized. All of this will help with your motivation. Remember that you are in control of you, and if you take the time to control your environment things will work out for you.
End Of Week Self Analysis, how did your week go? Write Out your accomplishments, what did you do that you consider a success? Track your progress, create a spreadsheet with the tasks needed to complete your goal and make sure to highlight the completed tasks. It’s time for a reward, give yourself something at the end, for example buy yourself a new journal to document your journey. Or anything that puts a smile on your face. It’s your project, it’s your time. The better you feel, the better you will do.
In summary, there are people out there that do not believe in motivation. I’m one that does; we are all living our daily lives wanting something more. The only way to accomplish something more is to get out of your way. Keep up the good work and continue to do things that are positive for your wellbeing. I will continue to share with you what has worked for me. Feel free to contact me for a free chat. Have a fantastic day.
Until Next Week,
Coach Barb
Certified Life Coach
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