How To Transform Your Soul, Give A Nice Compliment
When you receive a compliment, it feels good. Don’t you agree? But, you will feel even better when you give a nice compliment. Try it.
I love compliments. The Five Love Languages written by Gary Chapman, helps couples unite and live a better life knowing each other's love language. My love language is a word of affirmation. In simple terms, I enjoy a nice compliment. I understand that my love language is different from everyone else, however deep inside, I know how powerful a compliment goes when given with sincerity.
This week I will share with you, five best scenarios when to give a compliment. Try them out with your friends, family, and spouse. Heck, give me a compliment I will welcome it.
Have you ever gone out with friends and noticed their outfits? Wow, nothing feels better than to receive a compliment about what you are wearing. Go out and notice someone’s cute outfit and recognize it. Did your friend or spouse buy a new pair of sneakers or shoes? Compliment them on their purchase, make them feel good. It’s an example. Just pay attention to others and always find a way to see the good in them.
Chores are a must, and when your child or spouse completes a task, it’s their duty. But, for once thank them. Tell them how much you appreciate it and give them a compliment about it. Be nice, and don’t expect anything in return. Just give and feel the power of giving. A simple, “nice job” can turn many things around.
When you finish a project, do you compliment your co-workers on their job? Try it, tell them how well they did. Even congratulate the one challenging and arrogant person. You will see a difference in their behavior; they won’t know what hit them. They are probably not used to it. Be nice, and the universe will compliment you back.
When someone approaches you with an excellent idea, analyze it and congratulate the person. Keep the wheels turning because you will never know where that idea will take you. Ideas are fun and exciting.
These are skills that I see on a regular basis, parenting, all of my nieces are parents, and they are all amazing parents. Then there is teaching, I remember all of my past teachers, and it’s not easy dealing with students on a regular basis. How about cooking? It’s a skill worth writing about; it’s a drag to have to work all day and come home to cook, that’s why I consider it to be a great skill. I notice my brother's artistic side and admire his painting skills. He’s amazing, and I notice how he connects brilliantly with his art. See the little things people do, pay attention to the skills and passion they bring. Compliment someone today.
In summary, giving is spiritually inviting. Welcome the opportunity to give as much as possible. We are all filled with love, let’s share it.
Much love,
Coach Barb
Who are you going to compliment today?
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