7 Tips On How To Improve Your Personal Development

Invest in yourself with personal development.  Get financial investments courses, learn a new skill, perfect a skill you currently have.  What do you want to develop?  

My first shot at personal development started when I was about twenty-one years old.  A lot has happened since, but the story is the same.  I find myself wanting to learn new things all the time, I enjoy the process of starting with the unknown, enter into a space of understanding and develop a skill to better myself and my life.  For example, my first opportunity in sales in my early thirties was a scary experience.  Going out on sales calls to meet new people, pitch a new service and get results.  That was nerve wrecking.  But my mentor introduced me to the book written by Og Mandino The Greatest Salesman In The World.  That was one of the first books I read that helped me with my personal development.  After that, I kept at it until this day.  I read, watch videos and keep myself up to date with skills that help me grow.

How do you incorporate personal development into your day?  If you don’t, the tips below will help you get started.

What do you want to learn or improve? It can range from learning sales tactics, social marketing or how to control your anger.  It is all up to you.  Once you determine what it is, then you learn about it.

2. Research
Go on Google, visit your local library (that’s slowly dying), read trade magazines.  The information you find about your topic study it and learn.  

3. Books
Buy a book that captured your attention, but for those of you that do not like to read audio books are perfect.  

4. Schedule
Schedule a minimum of 15 - 20 minutes to read.  If you chose an audio book, you could listen to the book while you commute or work on your chores.  

5. Read
Read ten pages of a personal development book a day.  It adds up; I learned this tip from the book The Slight Edge, written by Jeff Olson.  I highly recommend it.  

6. Practice
Put into practice the new skill and be happy that you are on your way to greatness.  

7. Keep At It
Go on and continue to find new things to learn.  Have fun creating a better you.  

In summary, we all have the ability to learn new things.  We live in an era with loads of information.  Ignore what doesn’t resonate with you.  But keep on learning and keep growing.  Be #Happy.

Until Next Week,
Coach Barb, C.P.C

What do you want to improve?


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