How to Overcome Overthinking

"It Ain’t That Deep," How to Overcome Overthinking

It Ain’t That Deep, How to Overcome Over-thinking

Have you ever stopped yourself cold and had the feeling of analysis paralysis?  Well, I have, and I know the feeling well.  But, if you sit and realize what just happened, you would understand that you were just over thinking which can lead to paralyzing your actions that turn into the lack of productivity.  That's what overthinking creates.  I am here to tell you that, “it Ain’t That Deep!”

For me, it all started when I would get cold sweats of the thought of just making a simple decision.  “Should I call?” No, maybe I shouldn’t, it’s not the right time, or they will not understand me.   What I was doing to myself was torture.  I tortured myself with self-negative talk.  I realized that my over-thinking was taking over my existence.  I have to share with you how I came out of that rut and escaped unharmed.  I have the power and the momentum to continue with my actions.  How did I do it? Simple, I used these five steps that lead to the aha moment that it isn’t that deep. 

When I realized what I was doing to myself I first had to put a huge stop to this, overbearing, exhausting, time thief of over-thinking to rest.  Here are the five steps:

1.  Recognize Negative Thoughts
2.  Take Action
3.  Keep the Momentum
4.  Be Honest
5.  Allow it to happen

Step 1: Recognize Negative Thoughts
I started feeding myself with positive thoughts, and when that undesirable thought of fear and doubt snuck in, I immediately realized it and stopped it in its tracks.  I would say, “no that thought is not supporting me,” and immediately thought about the exact opposite.  I told myself that thinking this way is not productive. Seriously, how can I think this way?   It doesn’t matter what it was, what mattered is that I recognized it.  That gave me a sense of power and allowed me to be in control. 

Step 2: Take Action
I made the call. I wrote the article, I made a decision and stuck to it.  Taking action is vital in this process.  Yes, I did the necessary things to keep me going.  When I worked at it, It felt unbelievably empowering, giving me the sense of being. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, “ “Do the thing and you will have the power.”

Step 3:  Keep the Momentum

I learned new things.  I read books, listen to motivational videos and reprogrammed my mind to focus on the right things and not give power to fear and negativity.  I became active and influential.  Everyone is different. What motivates me might not motivate you.  But, keep your momentum with what feels right to you.

Step 4: Honesty
I began with being honest with myself and my feelings. I built my relationship with myself by being more honest in my thoughts and actions.  Also,  I surrounded myself with like-minded individuals.  Be Honest, about how you are feeling. You will never go wrong when you are right to yourself and others.  The sense of freedom transforms you into having the positive feeling of being able to do what you set your mind to do.  That alone will steer you away from overthinking.

Step 5: Practice The Art of Allowing
I know change is hard and we get stuck in our routine and negative ways. But you can't have change unless you change. Allow yourself to be vulnerable to positive change.  Allowing the positive vibration will guide you and take you far.  You will enable yourself to explore new possibilities, new journeys and the sense of freedom that you deserve.

In summary, “It Ain’t that deep” means that it isn’t as bad as you think it is.  By taking action you take control, and at the end of your journey, you will see that it wasn’t as big or intimidating as you thought. 

Are you ready to take control of your life? Start today by recognizing the thought that is paralyzing you and stop it cold in its tracks.  You will feel better and more powerful.  Not a bad feeling to have.

Coach Barb


  1. I recognized on me that i am overthinking! When I judge myself! Thanks coach barb Simple steps ,
    easy steps to start right now!

  2. Thank you for your comment, my goal is to share my thoughts and inspire others.


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