Feel The power of Accomplishing a Task In 5 Simple Steps

We all have things to do, but do we do them?  I venture to say that many of us find excuses on why we didn’t get the work done.  How do you handle your to-do list?  My hat goes off to my nieces with kids.  I still say, how do they do it?  It’s just not easy in today’s world.  I bet it wasn’t easy for my parents either.  The good thing is that there is hope for all of us.

I am the queen of the famous “To Do List.”  I remember back when I was a kid; every chore had to be on a list. There was something about seeing it in writing that motivated me to complete them. Things changed, and I wasn’t completing my tasks.  I knew I had to start doing things differently or I was not going to get ahead.

I get anxiety when my tasks aren't getting done; that’s when I came up with five steps that helped me tremendously.  Do you find yourself not having enough time for everything? Go for a walk, visit family, write a blog, or just time for yourself to sit quietly.  Do you want to do more?  Who doesn’t?

What I came up with, was no rocket science.  I studied successful people, and they all have these habits in common.  I picked what works for me.  I’m a morning person, so this might not work for you.  I encourage you to find what works for you and stick to it.  I share these steps below to give you a starting point.  Have fun and accomplish your tasks, start today.

1.  Wake up Early
There is something about waking up early.  Only early birds can relate to me.  I get up every day around 6:00 am, I like to give myself time and not rush.  Rushing is not for me.  I encourage you to wake up early to get more done throughout your day.  For example, catch up on your reading, write or compose your music.  And, doing a little at a time eventually, you will complete your tasks. A win, win!

2.  Meditate
Sit still, take deep breaths and start your day meditating.  It goes hand in hand with waking up early.  Meditation helps me focus, concentrate and gives me vitality, three elements that help with accomplishing tasks.  Try it today, start slow, do five minutes of breathing exercises, feel the difference.  Have kids? Wake up earlier. Not a morning person? Meditate later, but I recommend giving it a chance.

3.  Use a Calendar
I have to admit I struggle with this one.  However, I use it.  I make myself keep all of my tasks on my calendar.  It keeps me organized and helps me know what comes next.  The challenge comes when too many things get scheduled, and it’s time to prioritize.  I am consistent, and I push myself to use my calendar. Try it today if you are not already using one.  You will be one step closer to accomplishing your tasks.

4.  Prioritize
What comes next?  That’s what I continually ask myself.  Learning how to prioritize can be fun.  What comes to mind when you think of prioritizing?  I know it’s different at home, work, friends, and family. I prioritize with what makes me feel good.  I am a believer that if you take a moment and listen to your gut and something doesn’t feel right, the chances are that it’s not something you should have on your priority list.  Why are you doing it? Is it a priority? Take this time and reflect, what is imperative for me to do today?  Be honest with yourself.  Go and Prioritize your day.

5.  Start small
Some tasks can be overwhelming.  In today’s world, everything around us is moving at a faster pace, and we just have to keep running with it.  We have deadlines, some of you have screaming kids, some have teenagers, and you still have things to do.  My take on it is to keep it simple as much as possible.  Break things down, you have to prioritize, be organized but never leave things undone.  The feeling of accomplishment is well worth it.  Try it.

In summary, my goal with this simple blog is to share with you what has been working for me.  I understand that many of you are going nuts with family life alone.  But, I know that managing your day can make a difference.  Until next week.

What would it mean to you to accomplish a major task?  You can leave a comment below.

Coach Barb, C.P.C


  1. It feels fulfilling to me when I finish all that's on the list for the day, I sleep better at night knowing I did. I'm not an early morning person like 6am but 9am weekend is good for me. Thank you for the helpful tips , I will for sure follow prioritizing the list! ��

  2. Hi Maira, glad you enjoyed it. I know 6am is not for everyone. :) TY for the comment.

  3. Very good steps. Thank you for sharing !!!


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