
Showing posts from January, 2017
3 Tips on How to Spend Your Day To Be More Productive How are you spending your day?  I’ve heard this question one too many times in my life.  However, the question does have a valid point.  We all want to be more productive, but we seem to wonder and be all over the place when in reality we need to focus on our tasks at hand. I started thinking about this question when a former employer kept on asking this question.  I have a tendency to analyze situations and learn from them.  I noticed when I evaluated my tasks I wasn’t doing what made me happy.  And a secret I learned was that to be productive, find that thing that makes you happy.  And also, I was multi-tasking, so I thought, and kept on doing things that didn’t bring me to my desired outcome.  I was spinning my wheels. How do you value what you are doing? Yes in the corporate world some tasks are tedious.  I am aware of that, however always find a reason on ...
3 Excellent Reasons Why It’s Important to Take Action That's an excellent idea.  We have all been there when we have a eureka moment and fall in love with an idea to do something.  To open up a business, create a product or simply take a long vacation.  Without the work that goes along with the planning, the ideas will never come to life. As far back as I can remember, I’ve had eureka moments all the time.  I am known for having great ideas, but I would think, plan and somehow will let the project simmer and it will never come to life.  But, I quickly learned that hard work would allow those ideas to flourish into reality.  When I decided that I wanted to blog, it wasn’t until I took charge and worked hard, that it became a reality. Have you ever had an idea that moved you?  But, it stayed in the planning mode. I am positive that you have.  It takes hard work to take an idea from the planning stage to the execution stage.  The bes...
Start Meditating With These 2 Simple Steps You have tried to meditate, but your thoughts get in the way. You can’t seem to stop the chatter. The good news is that you will be able to meditate, it is far less complicated than you think. I was like you at one point of my life, but I can meditate 30 minutes in the morning, and it all started with ten minutes a day. Experts say to reduce stress or improve on focusing on a task practice as little as five minutes twice a day.  Dr. Craig Hassed a general practitioner and past founding president of the Australian Teachers of Meditation Association, says “two short meditations of five minutes each or longer at the beginning of the day or early evening, can serve as moments of stillness to punctuate your day.” When I decided that I wanted to have less stress in my life, I looked into meditation.  At times I feel stress, but I have found a way to deal with it better.  Yes, it’s hard.  But, the...
3 Techniques to Boost your Confidence I want to share with you how I became confident.  Everyone at one point strives for confidence. Let’s face it we need it.  I can’t think of a time when trust in ourselves is not necessary.  But, we are humans, and many of us struggle with low self-esteem. Not long ago I was struggling with low self-esteem.  I hid it very well, but inside I was a mess.  I felt, if I kept quiet, it would go away.  It didn’t.  I noticed that I was weak inside, but wanting to be bold and vigorous.  It took a lot of work, but I got there.  I felt as if I was this powerful Eagle, but inside I was just a little scared chicken. Have you ever felt low self-esteem in some area of your life?  Maybe not, there are many people out there that are naturally confident.  But, if you have ever experienced low self-esteem once in your life, I want to share with you how I became confident and what I do daily to kee...
Procrastinating 2 Steps to End The Madness Procrastination, this is an area of my life that has been a constant struggle.  I analyzed why I was procrastinating and came up with two main points that helped me improve.  Many times I would get the drive to get things done, and there were times that I just couldn’t get myself motivated enough even to start.   Studies show that procrastinating raises your level of stress.  Dr. Tim Pychyl has dedicated his research on Procrastination.  He states, “There are times, however, when you realize you've been putting something off but can't work on it immediately. That's dangerous if you're a procrastinator, since "sometime next weekend" can easily become a mantra you repeat for weeks on end. Pychyl says the remedy is simple: Get specific.” Several years ago I noticed that I would say often, ah I’ll do it later.  Has that ever happened to you?  Why do we put off important tasks?  I...